Fashion Blogs

18 years ago

I am totally obsessed with the fashion blogs. I can't go a day without reading The Manolo. I love the…

my room

18 years ago

I live in a studio apartment. That's a fancy way of saying I can't afford walls. I can't paint, so…


18 years ago

It is 10 o'clock, and I am hungry. I found three kinds of crackers in my kitchen and now I…


18 years ago

Mmmm. Tasty.

today one is hard-pressed to find anyone who truly believes the world ended on the morning of 30 June 1908

18 years ago

I'm finally back online. Long story. I am increasingly convinced that I didn't learn nearly enough in my history classes.…

Lil’ Monsta

18 years ago

I talked about it here, but it took me a while to finally get one, thanks to the Mom and…

The cost of living in a closed country

18 years ago

Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, vowed to humiliate the U.S. today. Clearly he doesn't know about YouTube. His task is futile.

More Truth About Iraq

18 years ago

After reporting doom and gloom in Iraq throughout the entire election season, MSNBC/Newsweek is reporting that Iraq's Economy is booming.…


18 years ago

You are the person of the year!

Winter Games

18 years ago

Try the Mercedes Winter Drift game. It's a great way to waste time and get ready for that winter driving.…